Your Perks For Booking Directly
You will always get the best available rate at Circa 39 Hotel when you book directly with us. In fact, our online rates are the same as the rates available by phone at our budget-friendly hotel in Miami Beach. In the unlikely event that you do discover a lower rate, simply contact us & we'll match it.
We have extra special savings for our direct bookers!
Why book directly with us?
GUARANTEED BEST AVAILABLE RATE. Your best available rate is always on our website or we’ll match it and give you one complimentary craft cocktail per day at WunderBar.* as your “finder’s reward”!
FLEXIBLE STAYS AND CANCELLATION POLICIES. Only when you book direct this reservation can be cancelled for free up to 3 days prior to arrival. In the event you do not show up, we would charge the first night's room and tax to your credit card.
FLEXIBLE PAYMENT POLICIES. When you reserve directly with us, we only require a credit card guarantee. This means that we don’t charge you at the time of reservation.
GET EXCLUSIVE REWARDS. Choose from over 20 Free Rewards (rewards may vary). Click on the Gift Box icon for details.
NO HIDDEN FEES. Many online travel sites charge extra fees for online bookings. We don’t!
EXCLUSIVE EMAIL OFFERS. Find a wide selection of special offers and packages many of which are only available when you opt-in to our email announcements.
ACCURATE HOTEL INFORMATION. Get the most updated information about our hotel right on our website. Everything from guest room info to service details, not to mention amazing hotel photos and special events and offers during your stay.
QUICK & EASY BOOKING. Our friendly Reservations Staff is ready to assist you.
Call 1.877.824.7223
*Best rate guarantee is valid for U.S. customers only.
Book direct for benefits!