Your Wellbeing is our Top Priority
Updated September 1, 2021
Subject to change without notice according to official regulations
Ensuring a safe, clean and inviting environment is the core of our commitment to providing the highest level of hospitality.
In response to COVID-19, we have initiated and are maintaining industry-leading and scientifically driven cleanliness standards to safeguard the wellbeing of our guests and colleagues. Our strengthened safety and sanitizing measures incorporate the latest guidance from the world’s leading health authorities, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO), and apply to all guest rooms, public and back-of-house areas.
The comprehensive strategies we are employing are rooted in industry experience, based on the latest scientific guidance, and utilize hospital-grade cleaners and best practices designed to prevent the spread of viruses. These strategies will be updated regularly to reflect the most current science and technology available.
Thank you for considering Circa 39 Miami Beach Hotel for your next vacation, and for your loyalty and flexibility during these unprecedented times. The Circa 39 Miami Beach team has been working diligently on revising standards and policies for each area of our operation, to ensure that a clean, safe, healthy environment is provided for our guests and staff. Guidelines from local and national health officials as well as industry best practices from around the world have been consulted in every instance. We are confident in our plan and excited to welcome you back to our boutique hotel!
We look forward to welcoming you soon. Thank you for your continued trust..
Be Well. Stay Well.

Touch-less hand sanitizer stations have been placed throughout all public, event and back-of-house areas of the hotel.

All hotel associates are required to wear face masks and gloves. Unvaccinated guests are encouraged to do so as well.

No hotel personnel will enter your room during your stay without your permission.

We provide regular training to our hotel associates about the latest safety and cleanliness strategies.
Keeping you safe begins with keeping our valued hotel associates safe. Our dedicated COVID-19 task force has developed a multi-pronged approach to health and wellbeing, which stresses cleanliness, hygiene standards, regular education, and training.
Our associates are equipped to handle confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases among guests and colleagues. They also understand how to identify potential health risks and are committed to working together to strictly follow all safety and cleaning protocols, which are detailed below.

Safety Protocols
- Proper hand washing and other safety protocol trainings will be conducted and maintained. Guests are also encouraged to adhere to regular 30-second hand washing/sanitizing guidelines.
- COVID-19 policies and protocols will be provided to each guest upon check-in.
- Should a guest or staff member be diagnosed with COVID-19 after leaving the hotel, all guests and staff that were present at the same time will be notified. If a guest or staff member is diagnosed while staying with us, proper isolation protocols will be followed pursuant to CDC and WHO guidelines, and guests and staff will be notified.

Guest Rooms
- EPA-rated hospital-grade disinfectants will be used to clean each guest room, with special attention paid to all high-touch surfaces (e.g. door handles, light switches, etc.).
- Your Room is Your Room. No hotel personnel will enter your room during your stay without your permission. We will provide replenished amenities – including towels and linens– in sanitized packaging.

Public Areas
- We will utilize EPA-rated hospital-grade disinfectants throughout all public areas, including:
- Elevator cabs
- Public restrooms
- Fitness center
- All high-touch public area surfaces such as handrails and door handles will be wiped down with EPA-rated hospital-grade disinfectants.
- Touch-less hand sanitizer stations have been placed in key areas throughout the hotel including hotel entrance, front desk, meeting room landings and elevator landings.

Meetings & Events
- Prior to commencement of any meeting or event, EPA-rated hospital-grade disinfectants will be utilized on all areas.
- No-touch table service will be implemented to adhere to safe social distancing guidelines.
- Hand sanitizer stations will be placed at all entry points in meeting spaces.
- Safety guidelines will be posted at all meeting entryways.
- Breaks will be staggered to minimize group sizes.
- Safety protocol reviews with meeting and event planners will be conducted prior to any event to ensure adherence to our rigorous policies.
To Ensure Comfort
- Guest laundry and dry cleaning services will be available using contactless pick-up and delivery protocols.
- Decorative pillows and bed runners have been removed.
- Collateral such as pens, notepads, and magazines have been removed.
- The hotel guest directory is available via QR code on our website.
- After checkout, rooms are sanitized following strict industry cleaning procedures with particular attention paid to disinfecting door handles, hard surface furniture, tables, nightstands, furniture knobs and handles, light switches and thermostats, telephone and keypad, remote control, alarm clock, television, safety latch and peephole, trash receptacle, faucet handles, toilet and shower handles.

Restaurants & Bars
- Prior to opening each day, we employ EPA-rated hospital-grade disinfectants on all areas.
- Touch-less hand sanitizer stations will be placed at entry points.
- Digital menus will be provided via QR code. Single use, disposable menus will also be made available.
- All shared items and food and beverage areas will be sanitized after each use.
Employee Standards
Health Checks
- Employees undergo daily temperature screening.
- Employees who show any signs of illness are asked to go home.
- Employees are also required to stay home if they have been in contact with anyone who has tested positive for COVID-19, or has been in close contact with somebody who is showing symptoms of COVID-19.
Personal Protection Equipment & Hygiene
- Employees will be provided and recommended to wear a face mask while on the property, except for inside administrative offices where employees are working at a safe distance.
- Employees will wear gloves if their responsibilities require them, such as housekeeping, public area attendants, food and beverage handlers, and anyone who may come in direct contact with guests. All employees have been provided training on proper usage and disposal of such items.
- Employees have been trained to wash their hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer every 60 minutes and immediately after any of the following activities: using the restroom, touching the face, cleaning, sweeping, mopping, smoking, eating, drinking, after removing any personal protective equipment, going on break and before or after starting a shift.
- Hand sanitizing stations have been placed in common areas throughout the resort as well as in employee back-of-house areas such as time clocks, break rooms, and locker rooms.
- Employees have been trained to sanitize their workstation and any shared tools/equipment before, during and after each shift or anytime the equipment is transferred to another employee.
- In our back-of-the-house areas, we are increasing the frequency of cleaning and focusing on high-touch areas like locker rooms, employee cafeteria and administrative offices.
Safe Greeting & Physical Distancing
- We have asked our employees to refrain from physical greetings such as kissing, handshaking or hugging, and to use noncontact methods of greetings instead.
- Employees have also been asked to practice physical distancing whenever possible.
Requests to Our Guests
An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. According to the CDC, senior citizens and guests with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. By visiting Circa 39 Hotel, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.
For the safety of other guests and our employees, please take personal responsibility in following social distancing guidelines during your stay. Please take advantage of the sanitizing stations you will find strategically located around the property, and observe the following requests:
Health Checks
Circa 39 Miami Beach Hotel asks that you please cancel or reschedule your visit if:
- You are experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or running a fever. Please seek medical attention and contact us to reschedule your visit. Our cancellation rules have been relaxed, allowing for cancellations 3 days prior to arrival. Any reservation deposits will be refunded if notice is given 3 days prior to check-in date.
- You have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days or have been in close contact with somebody who is showing symptoms of COVID-19.
Personal Protection Equipment & Hygiene
- Guests are recommended to bring and wear face masks at all times covering the mouth and nose while in public indoor and outdoor areas unless consuming food or beverages.
- Frequent hand washing or hand sanitizing is encouraged. Hand sanitizing stations are provided throughout the public areas.
Safe Greeting & Physical Distancing
- We ask that you keep a safe distance at all times when in line or waiting. We have added floor markings and signage in high traffic areas to help with physical distancing.
- Please swipe your own credit card where possible.
- Avoid shaking hands or engaging in any unnecessary physical contact.
Multi-Step Room Sanitizing Program
- Sanitization of all high-touch surfaces and guest room air by antimicrobial fogging.
- Additional air and surface sanitization by use of mobile hydroxyl air purifiers:
- Non-chemical devices that provide an environmentally-safe and scientifically-proven solution for destroying bacteria and viruses.
- FDA Approved, averaging 99.9% effectiveness in killing most known bacteria, viruses, and black mold, by sanitizing both air and surfaces.
- Detailed cleaning with Ecolab disinfecting products, approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19.
- Rooms are sealed and tagged as sanitized. Employees will not re-enter guest rooms after sanitization unless requested.
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